People often make the mistake of separating their warmup from their workout

The keys to writing and executing intent-based program is understanding the conceptual lay out of said program. People often make the mistake of separating their warmup from their workout. So, they’ll do a warmup, a warmup set for the exercises they are performing, then the actual workout. It’s always best when you can and where you can to integrate mobility and stability stuff in your actual strength stuff.

For example, doing back work. So, we go into the gym and its back day. Our focus will be the Lats. Most people use their rhomboids to initiate motion when performing a back exercise like the row. Why? Because there was no focus on stabilizing the muscle required to execute the lift(s). The Thoracic Spine and Serratus Anterior should be our focus going into it. Having a stable Serratus Anterior and Scapula will allow for us to use our Lats effectively especially in lengthening ranges.

A good way to focus on warming up within this dynamic would be doing Thoracic extension over a bench or doing pullovers to integrate that Serratus stabilization of the scapula. Now we are initiating movement with the Lats as opposed to the Rhomboids when people are primarily focused on “squeezing the shoulder blades together”.